As an 18 year old, I see my peers often on the rampage of taking out a loan for a car.
The words, ‘check out my new car!’ followed by friends in “AWE“, is something commonly found within my age group. The amount of debt they just entered into for the car is not ever mentioned, nor months down the track when the reality of the loan repayments has started to kick in.
I have always found the idea of owing $60,000 to roll around in a dual cab ute so young, ridiculous. My mother on the other hand has pestered me for years about buying a house. Up until now all I could think was, “Isn’t this the same thing as taking a loan out for a car, a big debt at a young age”.
Something changed…As I tried to work out ways I could move out of home viably and have my own place, I realised that my mother was right (funnily enough) and that if I built my own house I could actually end up creating equity to buy things in the future, like a nice car or even another house.
Surprisingly…It’s not that hard, especially with the Zero Deposit Homes being offered currently.
I’ll tell you how…
Step 1:
Be sure that you’re earning $45,000 a year. That’ll get you into the market. If you’re like me and have to get at least half way through a degree until you reach that pay grade, all is not lost. Open a savings account without a key card attached and deposit money into it weekly, then at least when you are in that pay bracket the bank will see you’ve been a great saver & you will tick their proof of savings box.
Step 2:
Make sure you have minimal or no personal debt. None is better, so I’d recommend not buying your dual cab just yet!
Step 3:
Call a local sales consultant to be walked through the process of building your first house & see if you are eligible for a Zero Deposit Home with award winning builder.
Step 4:
Listen… You’re building a house. Yeah, big kids stuff. You’re making long term decisions, so make sure you are completely on the ball with what you’re looking to get out of this whether it’s a home to live in or to turn into an investment property in the future.